Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Geometry Dash APK Website

Greetings from Geometry Dash APK! Please refer to these terms and conditions for information on how to use our website and the services we offer. By proceeding to use this website, you are acknowledging your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined herein. Should any of these terms and conditions contradict your personal beliefs, we advise discontinuing the use of the Geometry Dash APK.

License to Use

All content on this website, unless otherwise noted, is the property of Geometry Dash APK and/or its licensors. A portion of the items from Geometry Dash APK may be viewed and/or downloaded for your own personal, non-commercial use, subject to the limitations outlined in these terms and conditions.


You are explicitly restricted from performing any of the following actions:

  • Disseminating any content from websites to other media.
  • Commercializing any content from websites through sales, sublicensing, and/or other means.
  • Performing in public or displaying any content from a website without giving due credit.
  • Making any use of this website that could cause harm to it.
  • Making any use of this website that could hinder users’ ability to access it.
  • Using our website in a way that could damage it, any person or business entity, or violate any applicable laws or regulations.
  • Using our website as a basis for any kind of data harvesting, mining, extraction, or other comparable activity.


We hereby declare that we make no representations, warranties, or guarantees concerning our website and its usage, in accordance with the maximum extent permitted by law. None of the content contained herein shall:

  • Restrict or eliminate our or your responsibility for wrongful death or bodily harm.
  • Restrain or eliminate our or your responsibility for deception or fraud.
  •  In any manner that is not permitted by the relevant laws, limit our or your liabilities.
  • Include all responsibilities, whether on our or your side, that may not be covered by the relevant laws.

Accuracy of Materials

There may be typographical, technical, or photographic errors in the content found on the Geometry Dash APK website. We don’t guarantee that any of the information on its website is true, comprehensive, or up to date. We reserve the right, at any moment and without prior notice, to modify the content on its website. Nevertheless, we do not promise to update the content.


Not all of the websites that link to its website have been checked by Geometry Dash APK, and it is not liable for the information found on any of these websites. Any link included does not constitute endorsement of the website by Geometry Dash APK. Any website to which this is linked is used at the user’s own risk.


These terms of service for Geometry Dash APK’s website are subject to change at any time, without prior notice. By using this website, you agree that the most recent version of these terms of service will bind you legally.